WP10 Stakeholder Engagement and Capacity Building

Work Packages
WP10 Stakeholder Engagement and Capacity Building


1) Support cross-sectoral engagement by coordination of different internal and external engagement activities,

2) Enhance the use of the developed DTO by enabling and facilitating participation, knowledge transfer and skills of all players, from stakeholders, scientists, policy makers to citizens,

3) To optimise impact-driven activities and their outputs by connected WPs, particularly WP1, WP2, WP7, WP8, WP9, & WP11,

4) Create and document best practices for capacity development, and

5) Sustain the use of the Iliad’s capacity-development infrastructure.


The task aims to complete the first steps of the capacity development management cycle (i) Needs Assessment (NA), and (ii) Activity Planning. On one side, due to the diversity of skills needed to co-design, to set up and operate the pilots as well as commercialise the generated services, the current capabilities need to be accurately identified. On the other side, all WPs will list the desired capabilities (scientific, technical, managerial, business) that are needed for longterm sustainability. The capacity development needs will be then defined based on the gap between the existent and desired capabilities. For the capacity development needs assessment, surveys, interviews, physical or online workshops, webinars, hackathons and others will be used. The outcomes will be utilised to draft a capacity development plan which will define the detailed topics to be addressed in compliance with the identified needs and technologies developed within Iliad, the targeted groups, the trainers, the methods and tools for communication and the timeline.

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