GEO dialogue series on data sharing and data management principles - Preservation (DMP7-DMP8)

GEO dialogue series on data sharing and data management principles - Preservation (DMP7-DMP8)

Start: Monday 10th October 2022

End: Monday 10th October 2022

Location: Online

Organised by Group on Earths Observations (GEO), the GEO Data Working Group will hold a weekly webinar to address both the theoretical and practical implementations of data sharing and management principles. They will present their newly released resources in an effort to support learning opportunities and the adoption of open knowledge principles in the development of Earth Observation tools and services, included in this is the GEO Work Programme. This virtual meeting will take place every Monday from 5th September to 24th October 2022, available online via Zoom.

On 10th October 2022, the topic of discussion will be ‘Preservation’ under the revised GEO Data Management Principles DMP7-DMP8. This includes the subtopics ‘data preservation’ and ‘Data and Metadata Verification’. DMP7 is defined as ‘Data will be protected from loss and preserved for future use; preservation planning will be for the long term and include guidelines for loss prevention, retention schedules, and disposal or transfer procedures.’

In the context of the Revised GEO Data Management Principles, the preservation of online resources and data will include regular actions to prevent the unexpected loss of resources. Preservation practices will ensure that data and associated metadata are held in secure data management systems.

Bente Lilja Bye, BLB, Norway and Marie-Francoise Voidrot, and Open Geospatial Consortium will lead the dialogue series and contribute their expertise on the topics presented.

GEO data principles image, map

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